8/24 Workholding for Electronic Vehicle Components – Ask me Anything
With Northfield CEO Paul de Feo and engineering team.
Sign-up here
This summer Northfield Precision in New York is launching as series of interactive webinars to discuss all things Workholding.
Join us on 08/24/2022 for our first event!
to learn more about how workholding solutions can support EV component manufacturing that require high tolerances (.00005”) and high RPM (20,000rpm+), discuss emerging challenges and trends of EV component manufacturing, and answer any of your most pressing EV manufacturing questions.
8000rpm Diaphragm Chuck[/caption]
Sign-up here
During this and future events we will openly share our expertise and industry knowledge to help you solve your current work holding problems. Be that electric vehicle applications, working with fine tolerances and delicate parts or learning how to scale your production capacity.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this series please reach out to samuel@northfield.eu