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Northfield Community - Positive Behaviour - Oceanside High School

Northfield Community - Positive Behaviour - Oceanside High School

Oceanside Highschool NY[/caption]

The Holidays are a time for reflection and this last year has been tougher than most, especially as we have needed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic since day one. That said, it has not stopped the Northfield team taking the time to give something back to the community. 

This year, we have been welcoming special education students to the office and workshop, with Rebecca Ryan from Positive Behavior and Oceanside High School. Together we have been providing the opportunity for the students to step out of their comfort zone and learn new life skills.

Oceanside High School Northfield Tour

On the Northfield Shop Tour[/caption]

I work providing professional development opportunities and positive behaviour support for individuals in community settings. At Northfield the students learn about manufacturing and gain experience in a professional workplace.

Professional work experience is key for improving the student's self-esteem and building confidence. They gain essential skills for work and life such as: resilience, problem-solving, team-working and communication.”

Rebecca Ryan - Positive Behavior

After such a positive experience with one student, we now welcome 4 students to our workshop and office on a regular basis. The tasks range from supporting the office team with organization to spending time on the shop floor with the engineers, learning how we create our high precision work holding parts. Everyone here is welcoming and immensely proud to be involved.

Oceanside High School Northfield Tour
Meeting the team.[/caption]

On personal note, it's so rewarding to support this worthwhile cause and to play an active role working with members of the local community."

Paul de Feo - Northfield CEO

In December, OHS had the opportunity to visit Northfield Precision Corporation in Island Park, NY. Oceanside High School and support agencies, such as PBS, partner with local business. We work to provide meaningful internship opportunities for our students.

At the moment, Northfield Precision Corp. has opened their doors to students in our ACE program. Students attend different locations throughout the week for exposure to different jobs to develop career readiness skills.

As a representative from OHS it was my honor to tour the facility with Rebecca Ryan, our Work Based Coordinator and Paul de Feo, CEO/President of the corporation.

It was a highlight to see our students and support staff working together with Northfield employees in a variety of tasks.

Oceanside High School Northfield Tour
Getting involved![/caption]

It was a privilege to be taken on a comprehensive tour that, Mr. De Feo so generously gave. Explaining all the amazing products produced here, the state of the art machines and computers.

It was inspiring to meet the employees; most of which have been with the company for many years.

Looking ahead we are excited to develop an internship program with our STEM students.

Thank you, Rebecca, for coordinating this amazing program and providing such a wonderful opportunity and experience for our students.

Thank you wholeheartedly to the Northfield Precision Corp. for all you do for our community!”

Carla Stillwell Interim Secondary Director of Special Education at Oceanside High School

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